Section 4: Interactive Answers
Below are explanations to select interactive exercises:
Inflectional #1
- acknowledged - verb past participle - adjectival, modifying TRUTH
- entering - verb present participle - gerund, nominal, object of the preposition ON
- fixed - verb past participle - main verb with participle inflection (passive) (TRUTH is subject)
- minds - noun plural
- surrounding - verb present participle - adjectival, modifying FAMILIES
- families - noun plural
- considered - verb past participle - main verb with participle inflection (passive) (HE is subject)
- daughters - noun plural
Inflectional #6
- had - verb past tense - auxiliary in main verb phrase of relative clause (WHO is subject)
- been - verb past participle - main verb with participle inflection of first relative clause (WHO is subject)
- boys - noun plural
- discovered - verb past tense - main verb of independent clause (GENTLEMEN is subject)
- loved - verb past tense - main verb of nominal that-clause
- nipped - verb past tense - compound main verb of second relative clause (WHO is subject)
- trying - verb present participle - gerund, nominal, direct object of GAVE UP
- trying - verb present participle - adjectival, modifying HIM
- going - verb present participle - adjectival, modifying HIM
- slamming - verb present participle - adjectival, modifying HIM
Form-Class Words #3
- is - main verb - since this is a main verb, and not an auxiliary, then it must be identified as a form-class word
- truth - noun - can accept noun inflections - follows an indefinite article
- universally - adverb - has adverb-making morpheme (-ly) - precedes and modifies a past-participle verb
- acknowledged - verb - past participle - functioning adjectivally to modify TRUTH
- single - adjective - can accept MORE and MOST - precedes and modifies a noun (MAN)
- families - noun plural
- possession - noun - can accept noun inflections - follows a preposition (IN) and serves as its object
- good - adjective - atypical - precedes and modifies a noun (FORTUNE)
- fortune - noun - can accept noun inflections - follows an indefinite article and is modified by an adjective
- be - main verb - follows an auxiliary (MUST) and appears in its base form
- want - noun - can (basically) accept noun inflections - follows a preposition (IN) and serves as its object
- wife - noun - can accept noun inflections - follows a preposition (OF) and serves as its object - also follows an indefinite article
Form-Class Words #6
- long - adverb - part of phrasal subordinator - appears at beginning of sentence
- ignorance - noun - part of a compound subject - precedes main verb (EXIST)
- poverty - noun - part of a compound subject - precedes main verb (EXIST)
- exist - verb - main verb of subordinate clause - can accept verb inflections
- earth - noun - can accept noun inflections - follows a preposition (ON) and serves as its object
- books - noun - has noun inflection (-s) - subject of independent clause (main verb CANNOT FAIL)
- nature - noun - follows a preposition (OF) and serves as its object - also follows a definite article
- Les Miserables - Proper Noun - follows a preposition (OF) and serves as its object
- fail - main verb - follows an auxiliary (CAN) and appears in its base form
- be - verb - follows an infinitive marker and appears in its base form
- use - noun - can accept noun inflections - follows a preposition (OF) and serves as its object - NOTE: USE can also be a verb, but if you analyze it in context in this sentence, it is clearly a noun
Structure-Class Words #4
- my - possessive determiner - precedes a noun (ANCESTORS)
- had - auxiliary - precedes and inflects a main verb (BEEN)
- for - preposition - precedes a nominal object (MANY YEARS)
- many - indefinite determiner - precedes a noun (YEARS)
- and - coordinating conjunction - coordinates two nouns (COUNSELLORS; SYNDICS)
- and - coordinating conjunction - coordinates two independent clauses - comma preceding coordinating conjunction is oftentimes a KEY MARKER for independent clauses
- my - possessive determiner - precedes a noun (FATHER)
- had - auxiliary - precedes and inflects a main verb (FILLED)
- several - indefinite determiner - precedes a noun (SITUATIONS)
- with - preposition - precedes a nominal object (HONOUR AND REPUTATION)
- and - coordinating conjunction - coordinates two nouns (HONOUR; REPUTATION)
Structure-Class Words #7
- he - pronoun - serves as subject - unclear antecedent
- his - possessive determiner - precedes a nominal (YOUNGER DAYS)
- by - preposition - precedes a nominal object (THE AFFAIRS)
- the - definite article - precedes a noun (AFFAIRS)
- of - preposition - precedes a nominal object (HIS COUNTRY)
- his - possessive determiner - precedes a nominal (COUNTRY)
All Words in a Sentence #3
- they - personal pronoun - serves as subject of the independent clause
- were - verb - main verb
- admirable - adjective - will accept MORE and MOST - precedes and modifies a noun (THINGS)
- things - noun - has noun inflection - nominal subject complement
- for - preposition - precedes a nominal object (THE OBSERVER)
- the - definite article - precedes a noun (OBSERVER)
- observer - noun - has noun-making morpheme (-er) - can take all noun inflections
- excellent - adjective - will accept MORE and MOST - modifies a noun (THINGS)
- for - preposition - precedes a nominal object (DRAWING THE VEIL)
- drawing - verb present participle - gerund - nominal - object of the preposition FOR
- the - definite article - precedes a noun (VEIL)
- veil - noun - can accept noun inflections - direct object of gerund (DRAWING)
- from - preposition - precedes a nominal object (MEN'S MOTIVES AND ACTIONS)
- men's - possessive determiner - has possessive inflection - precedes compound nominal (MOTIVES AND ACTIONS)
- motives - noun - has noun inflection - part of compound object of the preposition FROM
- and - coordinating conjunction - coordinates two nouns (MOTIVES; ACTIONS)
- actions - noun - has noun inflection - part of compound object of the preposition FROM
All Words in a Sentence #6
- when - subordinator - precedes clause - clause functions adverbially
- my - possessive determiner - precedes a noun (FATHER)
- father - noun - can accept noun inflections - subject of subordinate clause
- appeared - verb past tense - main verb of subordinate clause (FATHER is subject)
- he - pronoun - serves as subject - clear antecedent (FATHER)
- called - verb past tense - main verb of independent clause (HE is subject)
- roughly - adverb - has adverb-making morpheme (-ly) - precedes and modifies main verb (CALLED)
- for - preposition - precedes a nominal object (A GLASS)
- a - indefinite article - precedes a noun (GLASS)
- glass - noun - can accept noun inflections - object of the preposition FOR
- of - preposition - precedes a nominal object (RUM)
- rum - noun - object of the preposition OF
If you have questions about these sample analyses, please contact your instructor or start a conversation in your work group.