Recent Courses

ENG 400 – Document Design

Course Outcomes

  1. define document design principles and processes
  2. analyze and describe the visual design of documents
  3. recognize important document design concepts in particular rhetorical contexts
  4. make effective document design choices for particular genres

ENG 411B – Principles of Modern Grammar

Analyzing Grammar in Context
(Online Textbook)

  1. Describe fully English words, phrases, and clauses
  2. Distinguish between the form and function of words, phrases, and clauses
  3. Analyze a sentence for grammatical elements
  4. Recognize how phrases and clauses function in a variety of sentences
  5. Understand rhetorical choices for sentence structure and punctuation

ENG 409A – Visual Rhetoric

ENG 406B – Electronic Docs and Pubs

  1. Work individually and collaboratively to plan, produce, format, and edit digital media that effectively respond to particular rhetorical situations
  2. Create digital media that circulate in ethically and socially responsible ways
  3. Manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information
  4. Analyze and evaluate digital media based on sound criteria
  5. Exhibit responsible social networking skills

If you want to talk about teaching, please drop me a note:

My Recent Work: ResearchTeachingService
