Whole-Class Curation

This project is a group research/curation project, and it will have two parts.

First, you will come up with a specific topic associated with visual rhetoric for your curation, perform research to identify potential sources of information, create criteria for evaluating sources, determine a guiding principle for your topic, and curate your sources.

Second, you will deliver your curation in two different formats: 1) as a 5-minute Ignite presentation in class; and 2) as a web page.

Initial Readings and Samples


While these are starting points for your reading, you should also do your own research to better understand specific iterations of this topic for your curation.


  • February 4 – Introduce Project
  • February 11 - Review Evaluation Criteria and Samples
  • February 20 – Curation Draft Due
  • February 27 – Curation Peer Review
  • March 27 – Curation Group Presentation (in class)
  • April 19 – Final Curation Web Page Due


Ignite Presentation/PPT Slides

Present an overview of your curation that convinces your classmates of its importance. We will use the Ignite Presentation format, which means you will only have 5 MINUTES to make your case. To supplement your presentation, you must create a PPT slideshow that consists of twenty-two slides (Title Slide, 20 body slides, Contact Slide), with each body slide set to advance automatically after 15 seconds. Each group will present your slides in class, and, remember, each presentation is only 5 MINUTES! If you go over 5 minutes, you will be downgraded severely, so make sure you have a script to go along with your slides. Slides should include carefully selected, carefully sized images (i.e., these are visually intensive presentations, not text-heavy slide-documents). Individual slides should not include more than ten words.

Final Curation

The Final Curation will be designed and delivered as a web page (or a mock-up appropriate for conversion to html). The goal is to design a visually appealing web page that encourages the reader to continue reading.

Some Possible Evaluation Criteria

  • Logical Organization
  • Clear Purpose
  • Meets Audience Needs
  • Platform Enhances Curation
  • Clear Consistent Delivery
  • Passion / Knowledge Clear
  • Revised and Edited