Annotated Images

This project asks you to show your understanding of visual rhetorical theory by finding three (3) distinct images and analyzing them.

To begin, find three existing images in the world and write a short (at least 150 words) description and analysis of each image, its context, its purpose, and its effectiveness (ideally using the concepts that you develop in your Critical Framework Statement). Each image should also include annotations which provide readers with a clear connection to your analysis and serve to enhance the overall presentation. For your three images, the first should be a still image. The second should be a representative screen capture from a film, video, or digital source. The third should be a map of some sort. Look for unusual, intriguing, or inspiring images that will allow you to show off your visual acuity.

Your project should should show your comprehensive understanding of visual texts, as well as provide evidence of your ability to think and write critically about visual objects, and to analyze those visual objects as manifestations of visual rhetorical theories.

Initial Readings and Samples

While these are starting points for your reading, you should also do your own research to better understand specific iterations of this topic for your curation.


  • February 11 – Introduce Project
  • February 13 - Review Evaluation Criteria and Samples
  • February 27 – Annotated Images Draft Due
  • March 6 – Annotated Images Peer Review
  • March 26 – Annotated Images OPTIONAL Teacher Draft Due
  • April 12 – Final Annotated Images Due


The Annotated Images can be delivered on the platform of your choice, or as a PDF document, or as a web page (or a mock-up appropriate for conversion to html).

Some Possible Evaluation Criteria

  • Presents Three Images
  • Clear Annotations
  • Annotations Connect to Desriptions
  • Annotations Connect to Context for Each Image
  • Clear Understanding of Visual Rhetoric
  • Clear Consistent Delivery
  • Revised and Edited